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The barbed wire

Barbed wire A type of fencing material with sharp tips sticking out from it. It is used by people to make fences or barriers so that cattle and humans cannot pass through it. This LanFan barbed wire and razor wire is also extremely strong, and can work wonders. Barbed wire, well barbed wire is part of it and has been used for a long time and helped with so many different things throughout history. It has taken a significant part in farming, land holding and even used as weapons at times of war. The 1800s is when Joseph Glidden invented barbed wire. He was just trying to fix a solution. Farmers needed strong borders, but regular fences were not just enough to keep their herds in good health and away from preying wild animals. Often they would push through the wooden fences, or find an escape route. Joseph wanted to make a different kind of fence so that animals would not easily broken through. He studded the wire with barbs to prevent animals from climbing along and getting over the fence. This invention great-ly helped farmers to keep their livestock from straying and wandering off. Since then, barbed wire has been used far and wide for many purposes. It grew in popularity and started being use to prevent farm animals from going where they don't belong, or to keep the critters away from eating crops. Barbed wire was a tool for people who wanted to decide what entered (or left) their property.

The Impact of Barbed Wire on the Westward Expansion

Barbed wire was really important in the lare 1800s, when United Sttes were geting bigger and it wa wsettling wear ward. Establishing new territories, people were forced to denote the line between one man's land and another. To keep their land, they put up sections of barbed wire to show the start and stoping points one person handed himself over. This barbed wire barb made it easier for people to define areas as their own and prevent other from using the area without permission. Barbed wire made it easy and encouraged) to do farming on very large scale livestock keeping. Farmers could make huge spaces for their crops and livestock, without having that being one of the concerns. This allowed the development of the West and turned it into an area where large agriculture is possible to this day. The invention of barbed wire played a major role structuring the landscape and allowed for increased settlement in open-range western territories.

Why choose LanFan The barbed wire?

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