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Prison razor wire

Razor Wire - This is a different type of wire that uses sharp barbs to keep inmates from getting out. This LanFan wire is called for its strength and cut-resistant qualities, giving rise to the easily visible presence of this material in prisons all over the world. 

Prison Razor Wire - A look into the Crafting of Social structure in Modern Society 

In short, prison razor wire is mainly used as a physical barricade that serves to confine inmates inside the perimeters of prisons. The barbed wire and razor wire function of the short barbs at key locations on the wire is to discourage an individual from performing such action, as anybody trying to scale over will potentially be caught by his or her pants brutally via them. In addition to its obvious use, the sight of razor wire effectively reminds those inside (as if they need reminding) that it is their punishment and trying to escape would be a bad idea. It also sends a powerful signal to the general public that there are serious consequences for criminal behavior.

Deficiencies in Prison Razor Wire and their Solution

Razor wire in prison simply restrict the barbed wire razor wire movement of inmate but not act as a complete security facility. There are indirect threats, such as things being thrown over the fence or they could be smuggled in to prison. These LanFan supervised outlets often come in the form of surveillance cameras, sensors, thorough searches and other security measures to establish a secure environment inside prison walls around these gaps.

Why choose LanFan Prison razor wire?

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