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Gabions for streambank erosion control

Benefits of Erosion control-Gabions


One solution to stream bank erosion is gabions, which are wire baskets filled with rocks. It is this completely natural process that can translate into very real problems for landowners living along private streams or aquatic environments, in many instances causing significant issues -- lost and damaged property as well. Thankfully, LanFan gabions for erosion control are an excellent way to overcome this in projects of any size.


Gabions cannot be used wrongly, a systematic approach is needed. The first step is to make sure the site is ready for construction, as this may involve removing vegetation and other debris from around it so that erosion can be decreased. Having said that, the amenity value is expected to include retaining riparian vegetation on-streams for wildlife habitats. Moreover, the site needs to be re-filled and flattened according to gabions level.

Why choose LanFan Gabions for streambank erosion control?

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